designer + illustrator


Antidote Tea

Tea to soothe the angsty soul

Sometimes, we just need to calm down a bit. Thankfully there's tea. 

Proper tea with a spoonful of punk rock

When designing a tea packaging concept, I focused on answering the question, "Why might someone be motivated to make a cup of tea?" Someone who drinks tea frequently may often be tired or in desperate need of a mental break. I decided to create packaging that pays homage to traditional English tea packaging but also caters to emotional tea-drinkers, who depend on tea for moments of peace in their chaotic lives. I used traditional English tea packaging and DIY punk typography as inspiration for my packaging designs.


At first glance, Antidote tea seems like your typical traditional English tea, but upon close look, you can detect a small dose of punk attitude...

A cup of Earl's Enigma to chase away the morning ennui

A cup of Earl's Enigma to chase away the morning ennui

Bold and full-bodied Dirty Chai to warm stone cold hearts

Bold and full-bodied Dirty Chai to warm stone cold hearts

Cathartic Jasmine Tears to combat a moody Monday

Cathartic Jasmine Tears to combat a moody Monday

Calm the F Down with camomile

Calm the F Down with camomile